

A manjuu girl posting manjuu things !

strawb Welcome to manjuu2003 strawb

A website dedicated to Murciélago (and some other stuff I like)

This site is still (and forever will be) a work in progress, so don’t be surprised if you stumble upon weird unfinished pages

ALSO! I think coding is so fun BUT I’m really not super awesome at it, so yeah janky code ahead, be warned…

If you have any questions (or anything to say really) feel free to write something in either the Cbox at the bottom of this page or in my guest book!

end That’s it!! Have fun!!! end

  Best viewed on a   computer/Firefox !!!

 If you still want to view this site  on a phone (especially an IPhone)  please set the page size to 75%


 I like cute aesthetics but  Murciélago is an adult  manga! So be aware of that if  you decide to look into it after  visiting my page

bow bow
bow bow